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  1. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Alright Sandom. You may lose this, but let's see what we can do before you go down. Simple attack orders, don't worry about complicated instructions. Earthquake twice and then Double Edge. Good luck my friend. Earthquake~Earthquake~Double Edge
  2. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Alright Sandom, same thing this time. Try not to get bored, I don't plan to do this all the time. This SHOULD be the last time, actually. Now GO! Giga Drain (Health)~Giga Drain (Health)~Giga Drain (Health)
  3. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Alright Sandom, we must defeat him, that was a cheap trick. This is a simple attack chain, so don't worry. Just use Giga Drain three times, on his health. Giga Drain (Health)~Giga Drain (Health)~Giga Drain (Health)
  4. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Well uh, I guess this is how it works...Um, Go Sandom! Sandom, go ahead and use Signal Beam, and then go for Fury Cutter twice! Signal Beam~Fury Cutter~Fury Cutter (Yes, right? Just like sending out the first guy?)
  5. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Mariana, it's time for all-out attack. I'm sorry if you don't quite have the energy, but we have to try! Go Cross Chop! Cross Chop~Cross Chop~Cross Chop Also thanks, Skylark, for the happy birthday :D
  6. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Happy Birthday to me :D Alright, I know my attacks right off the bat. Mariana, your commands are simple, do not worry. Chill~Chill~Cross Chop
  7. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    I'm soooo sorry I took so long guys! Mariana, I want you to Screech right down into that tunnel. Then wait until Vincent comes up, and I know you have to take the hit and I'm sorry, but after you take the hit nail him with a Cross Chop, and then get him with a Hydro Pump. Screech~Cross...
  8. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Oops, my bad. Well Mariana, let's see what we can do here...let's go for an all-out assault. I want you to use Mud Bomb twice, and then go in for a Cross Chop. I know you're getting tired, I'll take care of you soon, Mariana. Mud Bomb~Mud Bomb~Cross Chop
  9. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Sorry guys! Alright Mariana, Dig back up and attack Vincent from underneath. Then use a Cross Chop, and use Refresh if Vincent poisoned you. If not, then use Ice Punch Dig~Cross Chop~Refresh/Ice Punch
  10. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Alright Mariana, I know you're enjoying your nap. So when you wake up, use Future Sight. (I figure since she'll be sleeping for two more actions I really only need to give one command, right?) Future Sight
  11. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Oh my. Mariana, I don't want that Punishment to hit you. Why don't you Dig underground. Then I want you to Rest for one action, and then Dig right back up striking Vincent from below. Dig (Down) ~ Rest ~ Dig (Attack)
  12. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Alright Mariana, start off with a Worry Seed. Then, let out a nice Screech, will you? Then finish it off with a nice, strong Cross Chop please. You're the best, Mariana! Worry Seed ~ Screech ~ Cross Chop
  13. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Alright Mariana, why don't you Attract that Stunky with some of your duck charm? Maybe that will change his mind about poisoning you. And then set up a Light Screen for added protection. And then why don't you hurl a Mud Bomb at him? You can do it Mariana! Attract ~ Light Screen ~ Mud Bomb
  14. Karousever

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Thanks for taking this Skylark ^.^ Go, Mariana!
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